Re-formed Congregation of the Goddess - San Antonio

Who we are
RCG-SA is a group of women who gather monthly to honor the Goddess with ritual and magic. The group is open to those who are at least 18 years old, and who self-identify as women. Our group is eclectic (we never do things the same way twice), ecstatic (lots of singing and movement to raise energy), and Dianic (only feminine sacred energy invoked and worked with – some of our members are in groups that also invoke male deity, but at RCG-SA we do not). We are very diverse in age, income, race and sexual orientation.
A woman who wishes to become a member of RCG-SA is expected to have the strength, courage and experience to be able to take care of herself and ask for what she needs in regard to the group. We are guided by our group agreements and our affirmations, which you can view by clicking on the tab in the menu above.
We open the group to new members once a year. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in membership.
RCGSA Mailing Address:
PO Box 120131
San Antonio, TX 78212